At the height of a heated argument she hit her husband in the face with an object, causing his death, which occurred after a few days of hospitalization.

Instead he reported to the police that the man had suffered a fatal illness. Circumstances, however, denied by the investigations.

For this reason, a 45-year-old Neapolitan resident in Vairano Patenora (Caserta) was arrested and taken to prison on the orders of the investigating judge of the Court of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, on charges of manslaughter.

The investigation began when the victim - Rino Pezzullo, 44 years old - was found dying in his home on the night between 12 and 13 June. With him was the 45-year-old, who had supported the theory of illness.

The police then seized the house, then acquiring images from public video surveillance cameras and private homes. And the same soldiers had also interviewed witnesses and seized cell phones, finally discovering that the woman and Pezzullo had already had a lively argument on the street.

Subsequent investigations revealed that the argument had continued in the couple's apartment and that at the height of the tension the woman grabbed an object, hitting the 44-year-old in the face, who then died, as established by the autopsy, due to his skull being crushed .


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