«The interventions to reduce the fractures on the horse of Giraffa Abbasantesa, a seven-year-old bay female, and on Antine Day dell'Istrice, a seven-year-old sorrel gelding were perfectly successful».

This was announced by the Municipality of Siena following the injuries that occurred to the two animals during the Palio on Wednesday evening, won by the Contrada dell'Oca thanks to the shaken (Sardinian) horse Zio Frac .

After the injuries, the two animals were transported to the Il Ceppo veterinary clinic. "The horses have reacted positively to the treatments and have already begun their period of hospitalization - underlines the municipal administration in a note - which, for the Municipality of Siena, has as its usual objective the recovery of the subjects, thanks also to the availability of the Pensionary for the Palio horses».

The two injuries have rekindled the controversy over the use of animals during historic races.

"The Palio di Siena is confirmed as a dangerous event - the comment of the animal rights association Oipa - which jeopardizes the lives of horses and offends the sensitivity of those who love and respect animals".


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