Pensions a little heavier since January , although not for everyone in the same way .

The government has set the inflation adjustment for next year at 5.4% . But by virtue of the band mechanism which guarantees full equalization only for allowances up to approximately 2,200 euros , the increases will be diversified , up to a maximum of 130 euros in the bands in which the majority of pensioners are concentrated .

A decree signed by the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti, in agreement with the Minister of Labor Marina Elvira Calderone, establishes the percentage with which pensions will be revalued in 2024.

The new scheme introduced last year to index pensions guarantees 100% adjustment only for pensions up to 4 times the minimum (the minimum is set for 2023 at 563.74 euros, but to which 0.8 must be added % difference between the inflation recovered this year, 7.3%, and the actual inflation recorded in 2022, 8.1%): for the others the adjustment will only be partial (from 85% up to 22% of pensions richer).

The percentage is thus reduced to 4.59% for pensions between 4 and 5 times the minimum (2,200-2,800 euros), for increases of up to 130 euros; until it is reduced to 1.18% for the richest checks, those above 5,600 euros, with increases starting from 67 euros.

THE COMPARISON – An aid which, however , is not enough to appease the criticisms on the topic of pensions. Which is today at the top of the priorities of the discussion at Palazzo Chigi between the government and the unions on the maneuver.

While waiting to understand the executive's position, the CISL returns to ask for the withdrawal of the controversial article 33 which cuts the pension returns of state workers and doctors : «We need to remove the shadows on pensions», says the secretary Luigi Sbarra. The maneuver "is wrong" and needs to be changed, CGIL secretary Maurizio Landini repeats. Since the Cagliari stage of the mobilization called throughout Italy together with Uil, he insisted on defending the right to strike: "Attacking it means limiting people's freedom", he recalled, explaining the choice to challenge the injunction order together with Uil.

THE AMENDMENTS – Meanwhile, work in Parliament on the advances decree is experiencing some slowdown, which risks having repercussions on the budget . The meetings in the Senate with the government to take stock and start voting on the amendments come to a standstill following the announcement of a dozen upcoming government changes . One should be on short-term rentals, with the identification code requested several times by Fi. Another 4 amendments are expected by the speakers and will concern a series of innovations agreed in the center-right, which could not be included in the extension decree, including Consob competitions and electronic invoicing.

Regarding the government's amendments, however, according to what the opposition reports, it would also have been necessary to pass through the council of ministers. A sign of the divisions within the majority, say the Pd, M5s and Avs, who warn: thus, without a clear framework we cannot proceed.

The will in the majority is to vote starting from Wednesday and close in the commission within the week: the measure is expected in the Senate from 5 December; while the budget law starting from 12 . The indication is to proceed only with the regulatory changes, even if the majority does not rule out the possibility of some small adjustments requiring financing.

Many hot topics are still at stake, from the solution on bank mortgages to the psychologist bonus, which however could be returned through the maneuver . However, interventions on the Superbonus are excluded: the government, the opposition explains, has confirmed that there will be nothing, neither in the advance bill nor in the budget.


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