«There are moments that are engraved within us and that we will never forget. This city engraved in the heart on the morning of July 29, when darkness fell on the whole Earth».

Thus Don Andrea, quoting the Gospel, during the funeral of Sofia Castelli, killed in Cologno Monzese by the Italian-Moroccan ex-boyfriend Zakaria Atqaoui, who confessed and is in prison.

«It has become cruelly dark in the life of Sofia and her family. Where the summer and the 20-year-old sun should have shone, it got dark. And in the dark - he added - words are not needed. If we reject anger and resentment, and bet on clear, never possessive loves, then the dawn will break».

A long applause welcomed Sofia's coffin in front of the church of San Giuliano in Colonno Monzese. Full church and several people outside as well. Among the many present also Pietro Carbini, mayor of Santa Maria Coghinas, the town of Sofia's grandmother, where the girl's parents were when they heard the news and where the twenty-year-old herself was about to go for the golden wedding grandparents.

The Sardinian mayor also had a letter from the president of the regional council of Sardinia, Michele Pais, who expressed closeness on behalf of the entire institution: «A gesture of condolence but also a commitment - Pais wrote in the letter - so that no never less, on the part of those who govern and legislate, the effort to combat the phenomena of violence against women which, unfortunately, upset our communities almost daily".

After the funeral the procession left, the last farewell to the girl with white balloons and in the background the notes of the song "Cenere" by Lazza.


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