«We purchased the pandoro precisely because our newborn had been looked after by Queen Margherita and therefore we chose this pandoro. We don't have the receipt but the photo of the dessert."

This is the text of one of the reports received by Codacons in these hours from consumers who complain of having bought the now well-known "Pink Christmas" pandoro at a higher price, which is at the center of investigations by the Milan Prosecutor's Office for aggravated fraud against Chiara Ferragni and Alessandra Balocco.

«Last year - we read in another email - we purchased a Balocco pandoro in collaboration with Chiara Ferragni. Despite our few economic resources and the not insignificant price of pandoro, it still seemed like a good initiative to help those less fortunate than us. Now we feel betrayed and cheated, because for us it was an expense that we made with our hearts; for this reason, I am here requesting a refund."

Another consumer says she bought "15 pandoros (stupid) as Christmas gifts for cousins and friends" and adds: "Joking and making money on the fate of the less fortunate is a terrible thing, I think they should reimburse in addition to the cost of the pandoro including moral damages."

And again: «I purchased 5 Balocco/Ferragni pandoros (debit card payment) directly in the Balocco shop in Fossano (...) and I feel cheated as I made these purchases knowing that the proceeds went to help children».


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