Suspicions have been brewing for some time about Father Andrea Melis, the priest originally from Villamassargia arrested in Genoa on charges of pedophilia. But the only ones to file a complaint were the parents of the altar boy who for three years, since he was 13, had suffered the obsessive attentions of the priest. This resulted, it was later discovered, in an alleged sexual relationship: the priest, meanwhile, had gone so far as to propose that he "could take" the boy with him, "on holiday in Sardinia". While showering him with expensive gifts.

This is just one of the details of the investigation - reported by Corriere della Sera - on the parish priest of Sardinian origin who may have molested at least seven children, between church and primary school . In three cases the facts are formally contested in the order ordering house arrest, for others investigations are underway. Some are also former students of the same school, who received electronic cigarettes, beers and energy drinks, branded clothing, and cash tips . In exchange, Father Melis demanded caresses, massages, stolen kisses and the promise not to tell his parents anything. But someone decided to speak up.

And it emerged that more than one parent imagined that something was wrong: their children came home with sweatshirts and designer clothes and couldn't explain where they came from. Word about the parish priest's alleged tendencies had begun to circulate. One of the boys told him: "They know you're a pedophile, they'll come looking for you." For three years, at least, that didn't happen.


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