“I am so very happy that she was finally able to see her son again after all these years and after the tragedies and grief that both our families have had to deal with over the last twenty-six years. The cruelest thing that can be inflicted on a person, especially if they are a mother, is to separate them from their child, regardless of their actions."

These are the words of Bradley Pike contained in a letter sent to the mother of Chico Forti, the 65-year-old from Trento who was sentenced to life imprisonment in the USA and who a few days ago was extradited to Italy after 24 years. American judges found him guilty of the murder of Bradley's brother, Dale Pike.

The letter was delivered to Forti's mother, Maria Loner, on Thursday 23 May, the day after the meeting between the woman and her son thanks to the 4-hour leave granted to the life prisoner after his return to Italy. "I hope we can meet again and mourn together the wasted/lost lives - writes Dale Pike's brother - thinking about what they could have been if this whole story hadn't happened." «Relax now and enjoy the proximity of Chico - concludes Pike - hoping that one day you will be able to sit at the table together with all your loved ones and look your children in the eyes, working and praying so that they can live in a more just world» .

Bradley Pike, through the TV show "Le Iene", had written to the governor of Florida in August 2020 to ask for "the immediate release of Enrico Forti". "I am firmly convinced - he stated - that Mr. Forti is innocent of the crime for which he was unjustly detained for 20 years."


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