Before the judge for the preliminary investigations of Busto Arsizio, Alessandro Maja , arrested on suspicion of murder for having exterminated his wife and daughter and also attempted to kill his eldest son, admitted his responsibilities and explained that he was "obsessed with debts" .

A shocking story, which took place in Samarate (Varese) and cost the lives of Stefania Pivetta , 56, and the 16-year-old Giulia Maja , brutally killed by Maja with a hammer and knife.

The eldest son, Nicolò , 23, who survived the massacre, is still hospitalized for serious injuries.

Maja answered the questions of the investigating judge Piera Bossi during the guarantee interrogation - which was also attended by her lawyer, Enrico Milani - which took place in the psychiatry ward of the Monza hospital, where the 57 -year-old is hospitalized.

The arrested man " answered the questions in pain , with a strong discomfort that led to a brief interruption of the questions", said the lawyer.

"That evening he explained that he had dinner with the family as always , and that he had washed the dishes." Then the boys went "to their rooms - continued Milani - his wife went to sleep on the sofa and he continued to walk around the house without stopping to think about the burden of debts he lived as unbearable". Then, the attacks that "he can't explain. He can't say why he acted like this ".

Maja confirmed that he "hit his wife first, then his daughter and finally his son with a hammer - added the lawyer - and used the drill on himself to kill himself" without sedating anyone before the massacre.

(Unioneonline / lf)

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