The Court of Ministers has filed the complaint of the relatives of victims and grassroots union representatives who had asked to investigate the government for the Covid-19 pandemic.

The proceedings against the former prime minister Giuseppe Conte , the former health minister Roberto Speranza, the former defense minister Lorenzo Guerini, the former owner of the Interior Ministry Luciana Lamorgese, the former economy minister Roberto Gualtieri and the former Keeper of Seals Alfonso Bonafede.

According to the Court of Ministers, the epidemic cannot in any way be "caused by government representatives" . «It must be reiterated that, especially in a situation of uncertainty such as the one described above, it was not required of the government bodies to adopt outright measures capable of preventing any spread of infections that did not take into account the need to reconcile different interests and in particular the protection of health and the maintenance of the socio-economic fabric of the community», reads the motivations.

Therefore, there is no hypothesis of manslaughter: "To verify guilt, one should know the genesis of the infection of the individual victims and establish beyond any reasonable doubt that containment measures that have not been adopted by the Government or ordered late would have prevented the infection or the loyal outcome.'

However, part of the documents of the maxi investigation by the Bergamo prosecutor's office into Covid was sent to the Rome prosecutor's office for territorial jurisdiction.

According to what has been learned, the documents concern the failure to update the pandemic plan and see the former health ministers Speranza, Lorenzin, Grillo and a series of technicians from the Ministry under investigation in Bergamo.

The Roman prosecutors will now evaluate the positions and decide whether to proceed with a new registration also in Piazzale Clodio.


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