Double turn in the yellow of the corpse of a young woman torn to pieces and found in Borno, in the Brescia area. The victim has been identified: it is Carol Maltesi, 25, aka Charlotte Angie, from Milan, known in the world of hard. In these hours, a 43-year-old was arrested, believed to be responsible for the murder. He is a neighbor of the 25-year-old and he confessed during an interrogation that took place in the barracks overnight.

The body, as hypothesized by the investigators, had been kept in a freezer and, hidden in some black bags, thrown into a cliff. The man is accused of aggravated voluntary homicide, destruction and concealment of a corpse.

According to what he said, the crime took place in January. On March 20, the car in the name of the 25-year-old had passed right to Borno, there was a man driving. Yesterday the 43-year-old presented himself to the carabinieri offering to provide information on the disappearance. These statements, however, were in contradiction with what emerged up to that moment. Questioned for a long time, he finally collapsed. He said he put the body in the freezer at the young woman's home in Milan and, after tearing it up, threw it in the Bresciano.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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