The first information about Silvio Berlusconi's last wishes has leaked out.

The will of the Forza Italia leader who died on June 12 was opened yesterday morning in the office of the notary Arrigo Roveda, in Milan, who had anticipated that he could not say anything about the content "neither now nor ever".

This morning, however, initial information emerges: control of Fininvest will go to Marina and Pier Silvio Berlusconi. Having received the entire available share, they together make up 53% of the group with equal shares.

Marta Fascina, on the other hand, receives a legacy of 100 million and Marcello Dell'Utri one of 30 . "For the good that I have loved them and for what they have loved me", reads a sentence addressed to the children contained in the text. "Thank you, much love to all of you, your dad."

The decision on Fininvest and its assets had already been taken in 2006. On October 2, Silvio Berlusconi wrote his will by hand on a straw yellow notepad with the heading Villa San Martino. Eleven lines on one sheet and ten on another for his will, with a dry and clear style. «I leave the availability in equal parts to my children Marina and Pier Silvio. I leave all the rest in equal parts to my 5 children Marina, Pier Silvio, Barbara, Eleonora and Luigi». In 2020 he added the provisions in favor of his brother.

A note from Marina Berlusconi specifies that none of the brothers has "solitary control" of the holding. «Marina, Pier Silvio, Barbara, Eleonora and Luigi Berlusconi, having received the reading of the testamentary wills of their father Silvio Berlusconi, inform that they show that no person will hold indirect solitary control over Fininvest spa, previously exercised by the father himself».

THE REACTIONS – Among the first reactions was that of Marcello Dell'Utri , who was nothing short of surprised by the legacy of thirty million made to him by Silvio Berlusconi whom he considered "a brother". " Since this morning I have done nothing but cry - he explains -: not so much for the material thing but for the gesture that demonstrates the greatness of man". "He was like a brother to me," added Dell'Utri. “We had known each other for over sixty years. It has always helped me. Even at university he gave me his notes," the former senator said.


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