Now it's official, the fears of workers and unions have materialized: in today's meeting Portovesme srl announced that the Li Demo pilot project for the production of lithium for batteries will not be carried out in Portovesme , but in another industrial settlement outside the 'Italy.

The territorial secretariats of Filctem-Cgil, Femca-Cisl and Uiltec-Uil, led respectively by Emanuele Madeddu, Vincenzo Lai and Pierluigi Loi, made this known in a note.

On the other hand, Glencore had anticipated this when the Region decided to subject the project to an environmental impact assessment (EIA) : «This is lengthening the time – he wrote in a note –, let's evaluate alternative strategies for a European materials processing hub for batteries".

No sooner said than done. «The correct decision to submit the project to Via – underline the unions – clashed with the lack of certainty of the timing, an unacceptable condition for anyone who wants to do business ».

Thus, as the acronyms explain, 27 thousand hours of work are lost for installation by contracting companies and the use of 20-30 direct workers . And the paradox is that «the plant will be built with know-how created by the technicians of Portovesme srl and perhaps built by the same technicians».

The project, the unions continue, will not be transferred to states where there are no environmental protection regulations, but to a country with legal regulations similar to ours. Another paradox .

«We are faced with an unacceptable situation, on the one hand we are pushing and working to start the decarbonisation process and on the other all the plans that are part of the energy transition are slowing down ; To date there is not even a law that regulates the use of critical materials. We believe that the legislator must intervene on this matter to give the regulatory tools to the technical decision-maker".

A positive aspect of today's meeting should also be underlined: «Glencore confirmed its desire to continue the development of the definitive lithium project in Portovesme, but if the current attitude of the Region and Government remains one of mere distrust, the fate appears sealed ».

Meanwhile, the bitter conclusion of the unions, «France and Germany intervene on the price of energy with actions in favor of energy-intensive companies, making Italy less and less competitive, while Sardinia proposes unworkable legal solutions such as golden power. A failed industrial policy."

For PD deputy Silvio Lai it is "another failure of Minister Urso" , who "forgets the crisis tables in Sardinia in Solinas' silence".

The mayor of Portoscuso Ignazio Atzori also intervenes on the matter: «One thing must be clear, the company must respect the legislation in Italy and therefore also the request for environmental impact assessment indicated by the Region».

Further comments from the mayor tomorrow on L'Unione Sarda on newsstands and in the digital edition


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