Increase in the price of gas, vaccines, migrants but also the “polexit” affair.

There are several issues dealt with by the Prime Minister Mario Draghi during the reply in Parliament after the communications in view of the European Council.

On gas, "the game is difficult. First of all, the first question to ask is whether the increase in the price of gas is temporary or structural. There are many reasons to think that it is temporary", guaranteed the premier at Palazzo Madama. But in the meantime "a policy of support for the weakest and small businesses must be implemented, but structural solutions must be found" because "the green transition will take time and we are very dependent" on energy supplies, especially gas, one " dramatic addiction ".

Currently, “we will have to continue to pursue the path of green transition with determination, tackle the mitigation of the burdens that this increase in the price of gas imposes above all on the most fragile and at the same time build structural solutions. It is not easy but it is the only way to go. Tomorrow the discussion at the EU Council will be a very important first opportunity to see some light in this tunnel ".

THE PANDEMIC - The world is slowly putting the Covid-10 pandemic behind it but, said Draghi, "at the Council we will discuss the European approach to address and overcome any future pandemics", "we must invest in science and research, which they allowed us to have effective and safe vaccines in a few months ". We must “avoid the repetition of the dangerous episodes of health protectionism that we witnessed in the first months of the pandemic. We will continue to work to improve the global response to future health crises also in all appropriate multilateral fora. "

In Italy, meanwhile, “the epidemiological curve is under control thanks to the citizens' sense of responsibility. This allows us to keep schools, businesses and places where we socialize open ".

"After having had 132 thousand dead - he then added to the Chamber - in good conscience we must do everything possible and what is necessary. Not only the past but the present teaches us that this is the right path: the United Kingdom, having abandoned all caution, he is faced with 50 thousand daily infections and 200 deaths yesterday . This teaches us that we will not get out of this situation in an instant. Even in the exit we will have to exit gradually ".

The data demonstrate "the effectiveness of the measures implemented" with the extension of the mandatory Green pass to the workplace: "Since the decree with the extension to the workplace, the first doses of vaccine have grown by 46% compared to the trend expected from September 16th ".

MIGRANTS - As for the reception of migrants "the government's approach can only be balanced, effective and humane - he said -. It must be effective in two ways, in protecting national borders from illegal immigration and immigration trafficking, but also effective in welcoming them. To transform migrants into brothers it is necessary to know how to welcome them, well and with a sense of the importance of being Italian. Otherwise we will not be able to welcome them and we will make enemies of them. And we have made enemies of them ".

POLAND - The premier wanted to express strong support in favor of the European Commission on the Polish affair, especially after yesterday's clashes in the European Parliament: on the one hand, the premier, Mateusz Morawiecki, determined to affirm the sovereignty of Poland against the " double standards "and the" blackmail "of Brussels. On the other hand, the president of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, determined to safeguard the primacy of EU law over national law.

"Firm, very firm support for the European Commission in the action it is taking. The Commission is reacting firmly", said Draghi, underlining that among the European issues there is the one that concerns "how the challenge to European integrity is faced. it comes from the sentences of national constitutional courts that claim primacy over the European Court of Justice ".

"Europe has a unique role, irreplaceable both for the dimension of the interventions and for the many circumstances in which solidarity will be necessary, we are there not only out of need but out of realism and idealism", he added: "We need a unique role Europe because the more we go forward, the more we discover that global challenges are not won alone, we would not have been able to win the challenge of the pandemic and certainly we would not have been able to win the challenge of recovery. It is impossible to win the digital and transition challenge and to this we must add that we could never win that of defense on a national level. The construction of a single European defense is inevitable and necessary ".

(Unioneonline / D)


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