Carlo Calenda breaks the agreement with Enrico Letta and unleashes the wrath of the dem. The progressive front patiently put together by the Pd secretary to challenge FdI, Lega and Fi has lost a piece, the one in the center, which had been the most courted, the most difficult to convince.

A few days after the pact signed, the leader of Action reversed . "It is one of the most painful decisions - he said - but I do not intend to go ahead with this alliance".

What made him change his mind, he explained, was the addition of the "out of tune pieces ", that is the agreements that Letta made both with Sinistra Italiana and Verdi and with Luigi Di Maio and Bruno Tabacci. A justification that infuriated the Democratic Party: "Honor is respecting the word given. The rest is elite populism". Because - remember the dem - when that agreement was signed with Action, it was understood that there would also be pacts with the other forces.

For Calenda, however, the coalition of the Democratic Party "is made to lose . There was an opportunity to make one to win. The choice was made by the Democratic Party, I'm disappointed". "I believe that Letta - the leader of Action explains to Corriere today - has found himself facing a crossroads that the Democratic Party has faced many times in its history. The one between a reformist choice or an alliance in which to put everything and the opposite. In the end he chose this second path. And this was Letta's mistake. The Democratic Party, from the arrival of the 5 Stars onwards, always has the anxiety of having everything inside. The Democratic Party does not have the courage to represent the Social Democrats: it must have left populists inside. Something inexplicable to me. And by doing so in this legislature they committed suicide ".

Letta 's reply was lapidary: "From everything he said, it seems to me that the only possible ally for Calenda is Calenda. If he accepts it. We go ahead in the interest of Italy".

Calenda's announcement arrived on Rai 3 live on TV , at Lucia Annunziata's "Half Hour Plus", after hours of an unusual social silence , which left potential allies in suspense, veterans of the agreements signed the previous day .

Letta worked for months on a front that was as wide as possible, with the aim of playing the difficult game of September 25, of opposing a center-right given as a favorite in the polls and that will present itself united, with an electoral law that rewards alliances. The picture of the coalitions in the center and on the left has been turned upside down. Again and in a few hours.

TOWARDS NEW AGREEMENTS - What happens now? Calenda will run alone, unless he finds an agreement with Matteo Renzi, working on the Terzo Polo with the civic lists of the former mayor of Parma Federico Pizzarotti. The Democratic Party will go on with Verdi-Si and Di Maio and Tabacci's civic commitment. Probably also with Più Europa, which is federated with Action but does not seem to share Calenda's farewell to the Democratic Party and will probably confirm the agreement with the Democratic Party in the next few hours.

"There is great surprise for the unilateral decision taken by Calenda - said the deputy and president of + Europe, Riccardo Magi - We continue to give a positive evaluation to the pact with the Democratic Party". Despite the pushes of the Italian Left, a flashback between the Pd and M5s seems ruled out. "It was Conte who brought down the Draghi government - said Letta - It was a huge responsibility and for us, this is a conclusive fact". The Cinque Stelle president also seems to have closed the door: "I address an unsolicited advice to Enrico: please offer the boarding schools that have been released to Di Maio, Tabacci and the other allies. This political disaster seems light years away from the reform project carried out. during Conte II ". Poison runs among the ex. And the ex are more every day.

"Today I find myself next to people who have voted 54 times no confidence in Draghi - said Calenda referring to Si and Verdi - I am a bit lost".

The leader of Action also revealed that he had offered Letta a pact for two, without other lists: "I proposed to him to make a clear alliance and that I gave up the colleges, I would have accepted even only 10%" of the seats, instead of 30% established in the pact with the Democratic Party, now waste paper. In the words of the deputy secretary, Peppe Provenzano, for the Democratic Party: "There is no room for third poles". And then Letta puts a stone on Calenda: "What promises can he make to the Italians if they know that he has already broken his word with the allies? With this electoral law, Italians will have to choose whether to be governed by Meloni, by the right or by us, this choice is clear and Calenda has decided to help the right, doing what he has done ".

THE REPLICAS - In the meantime, on the right there is an exultation. Lega leader Matteo Salvin i: “On the left chaos and everyone against everyone! Compact forward, League and center-right with the good of Italy as the only objective ". The leader of the Brothers of Italy Giorgia Meloni : “New twist in the telenovela of the center-left. Calenda has changed his mind and is no longer marrying Letta, perhaps he runs away with Renzi. Letta ditched on the altar is now thinking of her old love, never forgotten, Conte. The grand finale of the season in 7 days, when the deadline for the presentation of alliances will expire ”.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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