The unions took to the streets this morning in Cagliari to protest against the draft maneuver under discussion by the Draghi government and to support some proposals to change the text of the budget law.

At the center of the regional demonstration of Cgil, Cisl and Uil, which was held in Piazza dei Centomila, the themes of work, pensions and tax reform.

"Today we have the opportunity to change course: Europe: very tough in recent years, today it is relaunching investments to create jobs, to develop the economy, to distribute income", said CISL national secretary Angelo Colombini, who also talked about the peculiar situation of the island. "There is an obligation to invest in your energy future and in the environment. This must apply above all in Sardinia because you are the only Italian region without gas and, having removed the backbone from the new Dpcm means having defined the gas distribution in a different in the various territories and a different price between citizens and businesses ", he added.

After the first introductory speech by CGIL Sardinia Secretary Samuele Piddiu, delegates and workers took the stage.

"The current text of the maneuver - declared Piddiu and the regional secretaries general Gavino Carta (Cisl) and Francesca Ticca (Uil) - is completely insufficient to contrast the social, economic and geographical inequalities of the country and we, in Sardinia, are mobilizing with even more conviction knowing that the reflections of the choices made in Rome have disruptive effects in a weak Region like ours, therefore we demand confrontation with the trade union and we cannot let those we consider insufficient pass ".

In particular, some measures decided by the executive led by Prime Minister Mario Draghi do not satisfy the workers' representatives: the introduction of Quota 102 , which they ask to replace a pension reform that goes beyond the Fornero law, and the decisions on the matter. tax, with the request to increase the resources for the reduction of taxes for employees and retirees .

Furthermore, for the acronyms, it is necessary to put work back at the center, with greater investments for job creation and universal social safety nets. Furthermore, the disputes that still remain unresolved on the table of the Ministry of Economic Development must be addressed.

On the social issue, the unions finally ask to "fight poverty, improving citizenship income and strengthening inclusion policies".

(Unioneonline / F)

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