Hopes in Aldaia, near Valencia, after rescuers entered the parking lot of the Bonaire shopping center flooded during the flood that brought the Iberian province to its knees in recent days.

In the underground parking lot, flooded, it was feared that many people would die. Instead, after reducing the water level, there is hope that the announced tragedy may be reduced.

"An impressive job is being done to drain the water. But we want to put the news into perspective on the scale of the tragedy. It is not a complete parking lot of 5,000 vehicles that was buried in mud, it was at the minimum level of occupancy. According to initial reports, twenty vehicles were identified and no victims were detected," said the mayor of Aldaya, Gullermo Lujan.

On the possible number of missing, Lujan reported: "At the moment we do not have official data. Our municipality has so far registered 6 victims and there are many garages that are emptying, we do not have certain numbers on the missing. But we continue to be cautious with the estimates. We are worried, because Aldaya is a destroyed town, people have lost their homes, we must clean everything up and start rebuilding", added the mayor.

(Online Union)

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