The photo of a young indigenous man carrying his father on his shoulder for hours is going around the world. Destination: a medical base where one can receive the Covid vaccine.
The story comes from the Amazon and is told by the doctor Erik Jennings, the author of the beautiful shot that portrays what he himself defines the "most extraordinary moment of 2021": "Tawy Zoé brings his father Wahu Zoé to get the first vaccine against Covid-19 ".

The young man, he explains, has taken his father on a six-hour journey through rugged hills and streams, "to our base". "After the vaccine, he put his father on his back again and walked another six hours to his village."

"The year 2022 is coming - concludes Jennings - and no case of Covid-19 has been registered in the Zoé population".

Second Bbc World, the area in which the two live is the state of Pará, in the north of Brazil, a part of the Amazon rainforest considered highly protected for its ecological value. Tawy and Wahu are part of the Zoé tribe, recognizable by the m'berpót, a wooden stick inserted as a piercing into the lower lip that marks the transition to mature age.

"The Zoés always ask me when all whites will get vaccinated to end the emergency - added Jennings to the BBC -. I hope, sooner or later, to be able to give an answer".

(Unioneonline / D)

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