Prince William lashes out against the space race and the drive to promote space tourism launched by billionaires, starting with Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk.

"Entrepreneurs should focus on saving the Earth rather than on space tourism," he suggests during an interview with the BBC on the occasion of the Eartshot prize, the prize awarded to five winners each year whose solutions help the environment.

The big brains, said the Duke of Cambridge, should "try to repair this planet and not try to find the next place to live", pointing out how "anxiety about the climate" has increased among young people.

It was the young people who convinced him that "it is crucial to focus on this planet rather than giving up and going into space to try to think of solutions for the future".

"I have no interest in going into space," added William, "in fact we should be asking ourselves about the cost of carbon in space flights."

"It would be an absolute disaster if in 30 years Prince George was sitting here talking about how to save the planet," concluded the prince.

(Unioneonline / L)

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