A «tangible answer». It is the one promised by the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky after the Russian missile attack on an apartment building in Lviv which killed 4 people.

“Consequences of night attack by Russian terrorists,” he wrote alongside a Telegram video post showing a ruined building. «Unfortunately there are wounded and dead... There will certainly be an answer to the enemy. A tangible answer."

Meanwhile, the search for people under the rubble continues, rescuers continue to dismantle the debris.

An explosion also occurred yesterday in the Shevchenkiv district court of Kiev.

"A currently unidentified bomb was detonated by a man who was being held in court," said Interior Minister of Ukraine Igor Klymenko. The individual had been taken to the courthouse by a military convoy and "for unknown reasons detonated a bomb, apparently in a bathroom."

The perpetrator of the attack "died on the spot" and two special forces agents were injured.


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