Ukraine has a plan to liberate Russian-occupied Crimea . There are 12 points and two main steps for the reconquest of the territory annexed by the Russians in 2014: removing the Kerch bridge, a symbol of the annexation which partially collapsed in October due to the explosion of a truck bomb, and limiting rights of pro-Russians and collaborators .

This was reported by Rbc-Ukraine, quoting the secretary of the National Security Council Oleksiy Danilov .

The plan also includes a new name for Sevastopol, the so-called "city of Russian glory" : the Kiev Parliament will decide it and it could be Akhtiar, suggests Danilov, who has published a draft of the plan on Facebook.

There will be, he further explains, a mechanism for assessing the degree of involvement of Ukrainian citizens and residents of Crimea in supporting the activities of the occupation administrations, which includes the restriction of civil rights, including participation in elections .

The third point of the document concerns civil servants, judges, prosecutors, law enforcement officials and other categories of persons who were on the payroll of the Ukrainian authorities in Crimea but worked for the Russian occupation structures after the February 2014: will be deprived of their pension or unable to work for Ukraine if they are found responsible .

Again: citizens of the Russian Federation residing illegally in Crimea since the annexation date must immediately leave the peninsula within the period specified by Kiev . So real estate transactions will also be deemed void.

Furthermore, according to point 11, after the liberation of Crimea, there will be the immediate release of all Ukrainian citizens, Crimean Tatars and Ukrainians persecuted by the Russian Federation for political reasons since 2014 , with compensation for moral damages.


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