On the 290th day of the invasion, Kiev's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba closes talks with Moscow after Vladimir Putin spoke of an "inevitable" agreement to be found sooner or later to end the conflict.

"The sad truth" is that the time has not yet come to negotiate to end the war in Ukraine, he said. «The reason is precisely Putin», observed Kuleba, because «if you want peace you don't send missiles every week to destroy our infrastructures . You don't keep sending soldiers to capture our cities. You do not annex territories that belong to others.'

In any case, sooner or later "the time for mediation will come - conceded Kuleba - and if the Holy See wishes to participate, it will be welcome".

For Kiev, there is only one conflict resolution formula , which starts first of all from the territorial integrity of Ukraine. An unacceptable possibility for the Kremlin. So, we keep fighting.

From one side of the front to the other, the arms race continues : according to Washington, Russia and Iran are allegedly evaluating the joint production of the notorious drones that bring destruction and death to Ukraine, with relations between Moscow and Tehran strengthened to the point of becoming a real defense partnership. A perspective also confirmed by the British 007s. Military support to Kiev continues from the West , but the United States balk at the request by Volodymyr Zelensky's government for cluster bombs, banned by over 100 countries and used by Russia in the conflict.

According to Zelensky, the invaders have reduced Bakhmut to smoldering rubble , with the front-line situation "remaining very difficult in key areas of Donbass". Moscow says it is advancing into Donetsk and Lyman, while Kiev is approaching Kremennaya in occupied Lugansk. Ukrainian forces shot down 10 Russian kamikaze drones overnight. The same drones that struck Odessa instead, completely depriving homes of electricity. According to Ukrainian authorities, Russian troops hit the maternity ward of a hospital in the city of Kherson, damaging the structure. Fortunately, medical workers, patients and children were unharmed.

An attack occurred in the aftermath of a similar raid, against the Berislav hospital . «Hospitals, children's centers: favorite targets of Russian terrorists. Today they proved to be even inferior to the terrorists when they hit the maternity ward,” thundered the Defense Ministry in Kiev. Since the beginning of the war, Ukrainian security forces have announced that they have documented "47,000 war crimes" committed by the occupiers, "including torture, rape and killings of civilians".

( HERE all the news about the war)


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