It is a horror story that comes from Brazil where an 18 year old was kidnapped by her 20 year old ex boyfriend who not only tortured her but tattooed his name on her face.

The two had had a relationship that lasted a couple of years then she had left him and the young man continued to threaten her to reconnect.

A few days ago he kidnapped her on her way to school, forcing her into a car, it seems with the help of her father. They took her to their home and subjected her to a series of tortures that ended with the tattoo on her face: the 20-year-old's name and surname, a sort of scar to symbolize the 18-year-old's "property" forever.

The release took place after more than 24 hours until the police raid following the complaint presented by the victim's mother.

The ex-boyfriend told the magistrates that the teenager had agreed to be tattooed, also showing a video in which there is apparently a consent. But the protagonist explained her state: “I was in shock, tied up, I didn't understand what was happening until I saw that writing”.

The whole country is shocked by the episode and great solidarity was shown to the girl.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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