A rare astronomical phenomenon awaits us in the next few days, Venus and Saturn meet in the celestial vault.
The conjunction between the two planets will be observable with the naked eye at dusk after sunset, between 18 and 19 on Sunday 22 and Monday 23 . In order to see this rare encounter, you will need to point your gaze west / south-west , Venus and Saturn will appear as two very close bright stars. To complete the picture there will then be the Moon in a waxing phase, in fact if Sunday it appears far from the two planets, it will be very close on Monday evening.

La congiunzione fra Venere e Saturno assieme alla Luna, lunedì 23 gennaio 2023
La congiunzione fra Venere e Saturno assieme alla Luna, lunedì 23 gennaio 2023
La congiunzione fra Venere e Saturno assieme alla Luna, lunedì 23 gennaio 2023

The conjunction between the two planets is a prospective phenomenon, the real distance between Venus and Saturn is about one billion and 300 million kilometers. Due to their motion around the Sun, the planets appear to move relative to the stars and can meet in the night sky, resulting in a conjunction.

To better observe the two planets you can point them with binoculars, but without the high magnification of a telescope it will be impossible to distinguish the rings of Saturn.

The appointment is not to be missed, as is the opportunity to take some photos with the splendid landscapes of our island.

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