While waiting for the proclamation of president Alessandra Todde ( around 1,600 votes ahead of the five-star party over Paolo Truzzu once the ballot is completed ), which should arrive around March 20, the controversy between the two main political groups that faced each other in the elections does not subside regional on February 25th.

While the center-left underlines the need to start again immediately after 5 years of "inaction" , the opposite side places emphasis on the result of the center-right coalition, whose lists obtained over 40 thousand more votes.

«Alessandra Todde's victory is consolidating, we believe that this data must be certified as soon as possible because it is necessary to start immediately and relaunch Sardinia with a ready and effective team after years of inaction », declares Michele Ciusa (M5s) .

«We are not under any illusions, we are waiting for the definitive results and only then will we make the evaluations», the words of Fausto Piga (FdI) . Who rejects the accusations of "inaction" during the 5 years of the Solinas government: " At the polls the citizens did not think of 5 years of inaction, given that the centre-right coalition was the one with the most votes ."

Even Giuseppe Meloni (Pd) , speaks of a " stagnation that has been going on for too long " and underlines that we need to "intervene immediately, particularly in sectors such as healthcare, because the Sardinians can no longer wait". With the proclamation, specifies the Dem exponent, «we will have knowledge of the composition of the groups and will be able to make more precise reasoning. We are in a hurry to leave, Sardinia needs it ."

«We are still waiting for the definitive result» , highlights Franco Mula of Alleanza Sardegna , admitting however that something did not work during the five years of Solinas: «We did many important things, we could have done many others but unfortunately due to a thousand problems we were unable to materialize the program presented to our voters ."


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