Alessandra Todde confirms: «The difference is around 1,600 votes» . And he assures us that he is already working to form the Council and be able to start immediately, immediately after the proclamation, "dealing with the problems of the Sardinians".

The new president in pectore of the Region relies on Facebook to reassure her voters and the Sardinians after the many rumors that arose in the days following the elections and which called her victory into question .

«Everything is proceeding in compliance with the established procedures. A week after the elections, many of you are wondering what is happening and why everything seems to be at a standstill. In reality this is not the case," he explains.

The gap has narrowed but not enough, not as much as the center-right exponents hoped: " The court has completed the examination of the missing sections and the gap remains around 1,600 votes ." Todde is already working to form the Council: «While we await the examination of the minutes and the completion of the verification process, we are working with the coalition to be ready for the moment of inauguration and deal with the most urgent problems immediately ».

The staff of the five-star president confirm that the calendar for meetings with the political forces on the construction of the Council is almost ready, which will have clear guidelines: «Discontinuity, presence of women and skills» .

«At this stage – concludes Todde – it is right to calmly wait for the official announcement and continue to share our joy with all the Sardinians who have waited a long time for this important sign of change».

The proclamation of the president and the 60 elected members of the Council will take place no earlier than one or two weeks , probably having to wait until around March 20th .


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