"Dear Union,

in reference to the e-mail sent by the two tourists ( READ ), to which I learn with great regret that two bikes worth about 12,000 euros have been stolen, in addition to condemning these criminals who have committed an ignoble gesture, I must also condemn or at least resume these two same tourists, who generalize in their e-mails, indicating that only the "tourists and people who go to Sardinia and leave carrying a bad memory of the island after a wonderful vacation dream" would suffer the thefts.

Now, given that criminals exist everywhere and certainly also exist in the Italian region from which these tourists come, but if I am Sardinian, I go for a ride in Veneto for example and they steal a car or a bike of great value, I cannot to argue that I am leaving the Veneto with a bad memory of the Veneto region and that everyone should mobilize to repair this damage.

This is because delinquents are delinquents. I understand the anger of the two tourists, but let's not bring up the regions or the entities or even the people, because in this way an entire region is offended in a veiled and even cunning way, making them feel guilty.

Claudio Zizi


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