“You should have sent the Councilor for Agriculture away immediately (Gabriella Murgia ed.), And sent someone competent to the milk tables. Now we are left with a handful of flies ”. This was stated by Fabio Pisu , representative of Sardinian shepherds, during the meeting of a delegation with the group leaders and the president of the Regional Council Michele Pais . In addition to Pisu, Gianuario Falchi, Nenneddu Sanna, Antonio Doa, Gianluigi Argiolas, Mario Carai and Carmela Abrioni are part of the delegation .

They reminded the group presidents that "nothing concrete has been done to seize the opportunities offered by the new CAP (common agricultural policy) for Sardinia, and to date there have been significant losses of resources to the benefit of other regions".

The island, according to the shepherds, has lost over 115 million euros for the next five-year period 2023-2027, or more than 23 million a year. Moreover, they underline, "in the new programming of the national strategic plan, Sardinia goes from fourth to seventh place in perceived resources, surpassed by Regions such as Veneto, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna (which have a per capita GDP of over thirty thousand euros against the Sardinian average of just twenty thousand) ".

Among the requests of the shepherds there is the one for the constitution of a commission composed of breeders so that they can be an active part in the decisions to be taken for the management of resources, but also forms of de minimis financing to heal immediately the economic difficulties due to exorbitant increases in raw materials and production costs.

The request to open a commission was accepted by the president of the regional council Michele Pais .

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