From the "evils of the Church" to the suffering of children, to unpublished details of his personal life. Pope Francis, who hardly watches television, agrees to be hosted at “Che tempo che fa” on Rai3.

"Today the greatest evil of the Church is spiritual worldliness - he said to the landlord, Fabio Fazio - it is a worldly church. This spiritual worldliness makes clericalism grow, an ugly thing, a perversion of the Church, which leads to ideological positions. rigid. Thus ideology takes the place of the Gospel ".

MIGRANTS - The Pope then spoke of migrants: "There are concentration camps in Libya", "we must think about migration policy" and Europe must do it together, "the European Union must come to an agreement" avoiding the burden it only falls on some countries such as "Italy and Spain". "We miss touching miseries and touching them leads us to heroism, I think of doctors and nurses who touched evil during the pandemic and chose to stay there. Touch is the fullest sense" because "touching is taking charge of the other ".

YOUNG PEOPLE - So a reflection on young people: "I emphasize that the number of youth suicides has increased: there is an aggression that breaks out, just think of bullying in the school, it is a hidden aggression, it is a social problem. Aggression goes. polite, in itself is not negative, it can be positive but it can be destructive and starts with the language, chattering: in families and neighborhoods it destroys identity. in your face and be brave ".

Therefore “closeness with children is needed: when I talk to young couples I always ask: 'do you play with your children?'. Sometimes I hear painful responses: 'Father, when I go out they sleep and when I come back too'. This is the cruel society that distances parents from children. Even when the children have some slips, even when they are grown up, you have to be close to them, you have to talk to the children. Parents who are not close do not work well, they must be almost accomplices of the children, that complicity that allows fathers and children to grow together ".

A question that “I have never been able to answer is 'why do children suffer?' I have no answers to this. There is no answer. I find only the answer to suffer with them. In this Dostoevsky is right ".

THE CLASSICS AND THE TANGO - A few weeks ago he made his photo around the world in a record shop : "I like the classics, a lot. And I like the tango", he revealed, however specifying that at the record store he was went to bless the local run by friends.

When asked if it is true that he danced in the past, he replied: "A porteno who does not dance the tango is not a porteno", referring to his life in Buenos Aires.

"I WANTED TO BE A BUTCHER" - "As a child I wanted to be a butcher for the money - he confessed -. It seemed to me that they had many. I also liked chemistry and medicine. Then at 19 the vocation arrived and I joined Seminary".

Today, the conclusion, "I am not so holy, I need human relationships. This is why I went to live in Santa Marta. I have friends who help me, they know my life, I have my abnormalities but I am an ordinary man. Friends give me strength, they are few but true ".

(Unioneonline / D)

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