«Violent conduct towards an opposing player»: this is the reason that led the sports judge to impose a three-match ban on striker Gigi Scotto . The Torres captain had been sent off in the quarter of an hour of the first half because, after a kick received by the midfielder Valentini, he had approached the opponent threateningly with his head and Valentini had thrown himself to the ground with his hands on his face.

Gigi Scotto's apologies and even having underlined the provocation were not enough. The sports judge wrote: «Disqualification for having behaved violently towards an opposing player in that, when the game was stopped, he hit him with a headbutt in the face . Measurement of the sanction in application of the articles. 13, paragraph 2, and 38 CGS, having evaluated the overall modalities of the conduct and considering, on the one hand, that there are no consequences for the opponent and, on the other, the type of blow inflicted and the delicacy of the part of the opponent's body 'adversary drawn from the blow'.

It should be noted that two other starters of the rossoblù team have also received a warning: the midfielder Giorico and the attacking midfielder Mastinu.

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