In the Italian ranking, Sardinia is in penultimate place as regards the sector of the economy and employment. In particular with regard to payslips : from an elaboration of L'Unione Sarda on INPS data updated to 30 May, it emerges that the workers employed on the island are the least paid in the country where the daily average is around 90 euros. gross, and in Sardinia it stops at 76.50. It is worse only in Campania : 74.09 euros. To make a comparison with the top of the ranking, in Lombardy the average is 102.79.

The situations assessed concern a total of 626,224 workers, of which about half (305,686) is represented by private employees with a commitment of 35 weeks a year and a general income of 4,851,286,097 euros, therefore of 74.99 euros per day ( against the national average of 93.76).

112,469 public employees are employed for 43 weeks and an average daily income of 120.51 euros. Then there are the 52,146 traders who declared an average daily income of 61 euros. Distinct positions are those of agricultural workers (44,470) and artisans (23,150). The latter and the self-employed agricultural workers are part of the categories concerned, along with those in the domestic sector, with a minimum wage , the issue being discussed at European level and for which a minimum of 9 euros per hour has been proposed. A figure that divides political currents, however.


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