It is not yet a candidacy but an "availability", says Massimo Zedda : but it doesn't make much difference. The former mayor of Cagliari is ready to return to the field , and confirms this in front of an audience of supporters in Piazza Galilei. While the regional table of the centre-left-M5S debates in search of a leader, the Progressives take a step forward in view of the municipal elections in the capital, which will be held approximately three months after the election of the new governor.

«We need a new project for the city and for Sardinia», says Zedda: «They asked me to commit myself again on this front and I couldn't help but accept, Cagliari is my city» . And if other possible candidates appear in the coalition, no problem: «There are primaries», reassures Zedda. However, the effect that this move will have on the negotiations for the candidacy for the presidency of the region is yet to be verified.

The progressives had in vain asked their allies to decide on the candidacies for the municipalities of Cagliari and Sassari at the same time, and they also recently expressed their opposition to possible "choices from above" on the regional leadership. A position that appears as a distancing from the hypothesis of the candidacy of Alessandra Todde of the 5 Star Movement. Something more will be understood on Saturday, after the coalition summit at the regional headquarters of the Democratic Party in Cagliari.

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