Comes to an end " Avanti tutti ", the project against early school leaving which involved the students of Sarroch and Pula. The final day of the didactic and laboratory itinerary, organized by the Asgesa social cooperative to counter the widespread phenomenon of early school leaving in the two countries, was held yesterday in the Pula City Council Hall. The initiative was promoted by the Region as part of European funds , with the participation of the municipal administrations of Pula, Sarroch, Villa San Pietro and the comprehensive institutes of the municipalities concerned.

The final day of the project was animated by the students of the schools involved in the project , with a particular focus - by the pedagogist and project coordinator Stefano Pinna - on the good practices activated to stem the scourge of school dropouts .

At the same time, the comparison focused on the role of the family in motivating students to study and the multidisciplinary work methods for taking charge of special educational needs. Modules and interventions that over the months have had the objective of promoting school inclusion by making the educational context of the school environment more attractive.

A path aimed especially at an age target ranging from 6 to 14 years , with attention paid above all to those borderline cases, i.e. situations of psychophysical and socio-economic disadvantage.

The project, which ended with the desire to consolidate a real school inclusion network in the area , developed specific personalized educational activities over the months, with workshops, moments of entertainment and actions aimed at parents and groups of citizens.

At the end of the meeting, the videos containing the scenic results that had as protagonists students of the institutes involved were screened.

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