He was driving a bus drunk and without the necessary license to do so. So he tried to throw off the traffic police, who were chasing him, by "passing the wheel" to one of the passengers. But he too had been drinking.

It happened last Friday, on state road 131 Carlo Felice. There a patrol from the Sassari section ordered the driver of a minibus to stop who, after a check, was found to be without insurance. Despite the invitation to stop, the man continued driving, forcing the officers into a short chase during which they noticed suspicious movements in the front seats of the van. At the end of the ride the discovery was made: the one who had previously driven sat among the passengers while one of those present had become the new driver. An exchange of places that anticipated the confirmation of the initial doubts. In fact, the vehicle was found to have no insurance coverage during the checks.

The two also tested positive for alcohol, with values three times higher than the permitted limits. The sanction and withdrawal of the license were immediate and, in the case of the first driver, it was found to be of a lower category than that required for driving a bus.


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