A few more hours and the much talked about case of the suspension of the teacher who teaches in the elementary school of San Vero Milis will arrive on the desk of a judge.

He will decide on the correctness of the measure inflicted by the provincial school office of Oristano on the teacher Marisa Francescangeli who had had some prayers recited in class and beyond. The appeal will be filed tomorrow morning at the Oristano Labor Court by the lawyers of the Uil union , Domenico Naso and Benedetta Mameli.

«There is no evidence of the facts - says Naso - There is no verification of what is being said. The measure, very heavy, was ordered only on the basis of statements by three mothers who reported their version to the head teacher . Nothing else. So say the deeds. It is their word against that of the teacher. This is why we will ask the judge to annul the suspension».

The appeal will also be based on this. But not only. "The whole part concerning the proof of the facts that are reported by three parents during an interview with the manager is missing - explains the lawyer - and we don't even have statements from other teachers , as instead it was written by the provincial school office itself" .

«Always the Usp - continues Naso - says that the teacher has always had a good conduct. That's why you've never had disciplinary sanctions . Reason for which the sanction according to them is reduced ".

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