The "brush" is a tractor, the canvas is a country land and the work is a large inscription: "Vagina".

It is not a geoglyph of Nazca but a provocation in San Gavino that of the artist Amadama, who in recent days has traced the message in a field. The title is "Unknown".

“Installation” is defined in a note accompanying videos and images taken in the countryside of the Medio Campidano town.

“The paradoxical and provocative intent is evident”, it is explained, “an international word, used in more than 50 languages in the world, the vagina is still a taboo today. Even women struggle to use the word and choose synonyms, endearments, delicate or colorful expressions ”.

For Amadama “the field becomes part of the work, a place for the attention of the art world. The writing aims at enhancing the generating force of the uncultivated land. The agricultural land oppressed by drought caused by the neglect of the Italian and European water networks relaunches a message to the maternal right of the land that asks for the possibility of fulfilling its natural role ”.

There is also the synecdotic juxtaposition: "The field is to the earth as the vagina is to the mother , creating a cry to the sky of mother earth, trampled, metaphorically and otherwise, by man".

Amadama is not new to provocations: he defines himself as “an artist who loves to reinvent himself in styles and language (passing from street art, to graphics to design and music), always creating a polemical and stimulating dialogue with the public.

The big sign is not permanent. Wind and rain will take care of erasing it. But the trace will remain: “The technology comes to meet it and, shooting it with drones, photos, videos, makes it potentially eternal”, underlines the author.

(Unioneonline / EF)

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