Urgent intervention by the Abbanoa teams in Cagliari to carry out maintenance work on the pipeline exiting the San Michele water purification plant where a leak was identified.

«The Operator's technicians - he explains - immediately intervened, proceeding with the network operations which allow us to guarantee the supply with the secondary pipes and narrow the area affected by any drops in pressure and temporary interruptions which could concern, starting from the end of the morning and in the higher areas, especially the users of Barracca Manna and Pirri.

In the late afternoon, if the intervention takes longer than expected, further drops in pressure could affect the upper areas of Monserrato.

All necessary measures will be taken to limit disruptions: Abbanoa technicians will carry out adjustment maneuvers to best optimize water distribution to users.

The supply will be restored in advance if the intervention requires less time than estimated. Any anomaly can be reported to the Abbanoa fault reporting service via the toll-free number 800.022.040 active 24 hours a day".


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