"There are no profiles of guilt reported." After more than three months in the council chamber, with these words the investigating judge of the Court of Nuoro, Giovanni Angelicchio has dissolved the reservation on the filing of the criminal case for manslaughter against six managers of Anas who had to deal with the security of the state road 129 , the Nuoro-Macomer, where on Christmas Day 2017 the brothers Francesco and Matteo Pintor died .

To oppose the filing requested by the Nuoro prosecutor's office for the entire operational chain of Anas which at the time had to deal with the maintenance of state road 129, the family of the two boys, who instead claimed that that road was not safe.

Today, six years later, Anas has begun work on rectifying the track near the bend where Francesco and Matteo Pintor died. Therefore, according to the judge, no fault and responsibility for Pasquale Ruggeri and Pietro Schirru (maintenance office managers), Valter Bartolan (territorial coordinator), Enrico Atzeni (compartmental area manager of Cagliari), Sirio Mascia (core manager D), Giovanni Satta (head roadman) defended by lawyers Maria Francesca Fenu, Andrea Pogliani, Giuseppe Ledda and Matteo Pinna.

The Pintors' lawyers, Marcello Mereu and Ivano Iai, are waiting to know the reasons, while the first words of the two boys' mother spoken to the lawyers who gave her the news were those of "deep disappointment".

Fabio Ledda

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