There will be no trial for the 14 elderly guests of the Villa Gardenia nursing home in Ossi who died in 2020 after contracting Covid.

The gup of the Court of Sassari, Sergio De Luca, today rejected the request for indictment presented by the prosecutor Paolo Piras against Marco Sannino, head of security in the structure, Franca Chessa, president of the Coopas cooperative which manages the RSA, and Giovanna Baralla, director of Villa Gardenia .

The three, defended by lawyers Liliana Pintus and Marco Manca, were acquitted of the charges of manslaughter and manslaughter , "because the fact does not exist ".

The investigating judge then ordered the referral of the documents to the prosecutor who will have to decide whether to formulate a new request for indictment for the hypotheses of administrative violations in the management of the Covid emergency.

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