Double step of the Municipality of Cagliari, which dribbles the Region and proposes itself as the competent body for convening the services conference necessary to definitively approve the project for the new stadium.

Everyone knows it: the bureaucratic process for the creation of the “Gigi Riva” – the name already exists – was and is complex. In an already difficult match, the scarce (euphemism) dialogue between the Municipality and the Region has been grafted.

The Club presented the new economic and financial plan of 157 million plus last December. Palazzo Bacaredda has announced that it is ready, at any time, to place the 10 within its competence. The Region, on the other hand, was given a contribution of 50.

Ready money, in words. But then subordinated to the signing of a program agreement with Palazzo Bacaredda, slipped into the Finance Act, which also provides for a new hospital and student housing: a sort of master plan for the city. Since then, and it was in February, silence has fallen on the matter from the front of Villa Devoto: the interlocutions have never been started.

Mayor Paolo Truzzu, for the financial front, has opened a channel with the government, through the Minister for Cohesion Policies, Raffaele Fitto.

But the problem of the green light for the project remains open: the City Council must reiterate its "declaration of public interest" on the stadium. To do this, the project must be authorized by a service conference, which must study all the papers produced by the club.

The question is: who is to convene this crucial meeting? The Region: they were convinced of this in the Municipality. In recent weeks, letters between institutions have multiplied. And from the offices governed - for the political side - by Christian Solinas, according to what transpires, the answer came: it's not up to us to organize the meeting. Thus the ball was passed to Rome, to the Ministry of Sport. Cagliari asked: whose turn is it? The answer came to the Municipality, delegated to carry out the operations. In recent days, manager Daniele Olla took note of the situation and replied: " It is hereby represented that the municipal administration, through the undersigned responsible for the "New Stadium of Cagliari" project unit, will proceed to call and convene the decision-making conference".

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