New perturbation in Italy, which will also bring bad weather to the island .

As the forecasts of indicate, starting today "storms are arriving in Sardinia and on the Tyrrhenian coast" and "strong winds, tending to storms between Sardinia and the southern regions" .

The bad weather wave comes from the Atlantic , like the others in the last month. For this reason, notes the meteorologist Mattia Gussoni, "the rains have not been lacking, after a very long period of drought" and "next spring we will probably have a good situation as regards the water supply: in addition to the rains, in fact, in the last two weeks there have already been important snow accumulations in the Alps".

While it rains on the Islands and in the South and the temperatures remain relatively stable, in the North the sky is clear but the climate is freezing , with the thermometer falling well below the average for this period and snowfall at high hill altitudes.

It is expected that in the Alps it can reach minus 20 degrees up to a thousand meters of altitude; in the following days the frosts will reach the plain with temperatures between minus 5 and minus 6 degrees also in Milan and Turin .

In the meantime, the cold has already claimed another victim: a 20-year-old Egyptian migrant with no fixed abode in Bolzano. "The waiting lists for the cold emergency have been full for months - say the volunteers of "Bolzano solidale" - at the garrison ten days ago we remembered it and asked for speed to prevent someone from dying".


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