Meeting at Brotzu between president Solinas and councilor Doria and company employees on the project to build four new hospitals, in particular on the new Cagliari unit which should merge Brotzu and Businco. The president of the Region specified that today's meeting had been scheduled for some time . “We had already talked about the opportunity for new hospitals on the island in the health reform – said the governor -. Today I want to restore the truth about the implementation resolution of this design".

"Your concern is the result of an instrumental reading given by some parties and has taken precedence over the truth of things", Solinas began by speaking to the hundred employees, mostly medical managers, gathered in the conference hall.

The debate revealed that the territorial bodies will choose the location of the new hospital. The ball therefore passes to Truzzu, the municipality must decide. The Sant'Elia? «No entrenchment, no will to do it there at all costs. This provocation arises from the fact that since the Municipality has no answer on the location of the structure, the only huge and public area of the city where there is an intervention of this type is that » .

However, «if you want to make a different choice and build a new hospital in a sector already identified as a health center, that's fine, the important thing is that the response from the municipality arrives. The sooner you arrive, the sooner we will be able to build the hospital ».

The governor also responded to criticism of the technological plate under construction: «I think like a good family man, I worry about resources. Today the plate is in a state of planning that has not yet reached planning permission. The new hospitals will probably get permission to build much earlier than the Brotzu technological plate , because they are built with a program agreement that cuts time. In the light of this, evaluate whether in a realistic timetable it is a choice of common sense and of good family men to create duplication of structures».

Brotzu for Solinas «is his human capital: building a new house means exalting Arnas, giving him more suitable tools». The governor declared that "I don't have to campaign for a new hospital, but I speak in the interest of Sardinia and Cagliari, I'm not interested in cutting ribbons". On resources: " the billion and a half for the new hospitals does not include the money from the Brotzu plate, nor that for the Cagliari stadium ".

On the fate of the structure that now houses the Arnas: «the shell will not be abandoned but by renovating it it will be able to accommodate beds for long-term hospitalization, the centralization of administrative services» .


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