They are hazardous waste, the analyzes have established. And they need to be removed. The Molentargius park beats cash in the Region and asks for half a million euros for the emergency safety of the gigantic landfill of abandoned clay pigeons in the area of the former shooting range, in the Quartu area.

The sum necessary, to be precise, is 445 thousand euros: it is reported in the resolution of the governing council of the body, dated 17 October but published only in recent days, which bears the signature of the president Stefano Secci, with the blessing of the director Claudio Papoff .

The intervention was classified as urgent "as, upon initial characterization of the waste, it is dangerous" .

The reference is to thousands of cupels missed by the shots and to an impressive amount of lead shot immersed in the mud. They have been lying there, between the Lungosaline road and the beach, since the polygon was closed. They re-emerge in the “dry” periods, but it doesn't have to happen anymore.

The provision does not mention reclamation. A project sheet is approved for the removal and for the subsequent environmental survey, which will establish whether the protected area has been polluted. And only then will it be known whether harmful substances have been released into the waters of Molentargius and in what quantities.

Enrico Fresu

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