An evasion of over two million euros linked to income deriving, in part, from public funding granted for the construction and maintenance of the Sardinia Radio Telescope .

This is what the soldiers of the Guardia di Finanza of Cagliari discovered with reference to a Cagliari-based company which was only formally governed by foreign law but which, in substance, operated in all respects like a national company , without however paying taxes on the income it produced. to the Italian tax authorities.

Shielding itself behind the "formal" legal guise of a foreign entity, this company transferred the revenues accrued outside the national territory, thus benefiting the foreign country of reference, Germany, with resources that should have instead remained available to Italian citizens .

Precisely for the construction of the Sardinia Radio Telescope the company operated on the island for approximately 15 years , making use for some time of a specially established Italian subsidiary , to which some maintenance work had been subcontracted , without declaring the presence on homeland soil of the so-called “Permanent Establishment” of the foreign company .

The investigations of the yellow flames have made it possible to ascertain that the foreign company, invoking the status of non-resident entity, was able to benefit both in economic relations with the client and with other national sub-contracting companies, from more favorable tax treatment by failing to comply to all formal and substantial obligations regarding direct taxes and VAT to which an Italian company is subject.

The elements collected by the Finance have thus allowed the Revenue Agency to ascertain and collect in a single payment from the foreign entity greater taxes, penalties and interest due for 1,637,445.80 euros in addition to 680,371 euros of VAT which had been unduly refunded to foreign company and which will have to be returned.


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