"Bizarre" behavior, the Cagliari police station defines it. They are the ones hired by a fifty-seven year old resident of the province who was stopped by the traffic police on State Road 195 last night: in front of the officers he first pulled a dirty handkerchief from a sock and then another from an ear.

Tricks that did not distract the police from their intent, which was to understand why the driver was so nervous and shy. Thus the search began.

In the car there were, in addition to a 40 centimeter kitchen knife and various "visibly altered" foods, also a further 9 knives, 8 of which were switchblades, hidden inside a plastic bag. In addition, a stick 70 centimeters long and 5 centimeters thick was found.

The fifty-seven-year-old did not provide valid justifications for the reasons for their transport.

The paraphernalia was seized and the motorist reported for "unjustified carrying of objects capable of offending".


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