«The strategy to combat the invasion of locusts in the Media Valle del Tirso area, implemented with the coordination of this Agency and under the supervision of the FAO Locust Team, is based on the widespread monitoring of the territory in search of locusts, carried out by technicians of the Agency itself assisted by personnel in charge of other bodies and supported by the contribution of all the inhabitants of the area". This is what we read in a note from Marcello Onorato, general director of the Laore agency. « The presence of insects is reported through mobile phone applications , specifically created to collect and catalog all reports in detail; one of these reporting apps (DeoMarco) is available for use by all citizens, who can thus make their contribution to the collective effort."

The data on the presence of locusts, which flow into the system thanks to these Apps, «are processed by the technicians who work at the Antiacride Operations Center where», explains Onorato, «the subsequent disinfestation interventions are planned. In 2024, the first reports were received on March 22, not two months ago, and the disinfestation campaign began on that date ." Onorato focuses on the dates after some reports from the area. «In the companies of the entrepreneurs interviewed, 3 disinfestation interventions were carried out respectively, the last of which at the end of April, and 3 monitoring inspections with 1 disinfestation treatment». « It is important to point out », concludes Marcello Onorato, « that success in the fight against the invasion of locusts depends on everyone's contribution : public administrations, businesses and citizens. Everyone can make their own contribution, which becomes precious if offered as part of a collective effort."


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