The announcement of the Region for productive activities arrives - published by the system of the regional Chambers of Commerce - which " closes the circle of measures made available to combat the depopulation and isolation of the territories" of Sardinia.

The announcement is reported in a press release. It is, we read, the latest provision of the three launched and in force - birth bonuses, facilitations for productive activities, first home mortgages - in the Municipalities under 3 thousand inhabitants, "which aims to support the economic recovery of the territories by favoring the opening of new entrepreneurial activities (or the transfer of companies) in the territory of small Municipalities».

The law provides for the granting of a 15 thousand euro contribution for the opening of new businesses in centers at risk of depopulation and with a population of less than 3,000 inhabitants, 20 thousand if employment increases.

Starting from 2023, this measure will be linked to the one accompanying companies (including new ones) which provides, precisely from the current year, a contribution in the form of a tax credit of up to 40% of the taxes paid, with the aim to relieve economic activities from the high costs of taxation.

From the Region they let it be known that "the resources allocated against depopulation through the three main lines of action amount to a total of over 360 million euros".

Looking at the last provision (economic activities), the measure was raised by passing the resources from 60 to 120 million over the three-year period, to which another 40 million euros were added for the year 2025. In addition, again with reference to economic activities, there is also a tax credit starting from 2023 (therefore on 2022 income), and also for this measure the Council has provided for another 40 million a year, a total of resources valid for both existing companies and both for the new ones in view not only of support but also of accompaniment to existing activities. The total resources made available for the action line referred to the activities is therefore 280 million euros.


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