There are two possible ways to revoke the three million euro fire ban which entrusts the supplementary service of street patrolling to private individuals.

The one proposed by the Environment Councilor Gianni Lampis is a bill to be approved first by the Executive and then by the Regional Council, and which will contain provisions for the revocation and for the allocation of the same resources to the operating system already in place in the Sardinia Region. The other way - the one preferred by the opposition and by the voluntary associations "excluded" from the announcement - a resolution of the Executive with the repositioning of the sums in the right spending categories.

This is what emerged from the meeting of the representatives of the voluntary associations of Civil Protection and of the barracelli with the group leaders, the president of the Regional Council, the commissioner and the dg of Civil Protection Antonio Belloi, and then from the meeting of Lampis and Belloi with the same associations and the technical structure of the department.

At the top of the Council, the volunteers nevertheless communicated the suspension of the state of agitation pending the identification of the most suitable path, and asked the Prime Minister Michele Pais to act as guarantor so that the procedure for the revocation of the announcement.

“The will is clear, unique and unequivocal - said Pais - towards the involvement and sharing of all the operational structures of the regional system that contribute to the forest fire campaign, of which the world of volunteering is a precious and irreplaceable part. Now it is only a question of identifying the necessary and more agile procedure to define the decision taken unanimously ".

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