The Tiger helicopter gunships , among the most powerful in the world, take off and start shooting at the enemy. Immediately afterwards about twenty Leopard 2 tanks advance, the very powerful combat tank of the German armed forces and which was recently sent to Kiev to defend the Ukrainians from Russian attacks.

Explosions, machine guns, aviation missiles, firefights . It's all true .   Even if it's an exercise.

The Noble Jump 2023 of the VJTF , the spearhead of the NATO defense, is in these days in Teulada , in the south of Sardinia. The forces of the NATO Response Force in Sardinia have transported the troops by sea and air.

Over two thousand military men and women from Germany (in command), Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Latvia, the Czech Republic and Norway.

Italy is the host country, with Joint Force Command, Naples.

About 500 military vehicles and aircraft of various kinds are present.

The two Tiger helicopters were flown in a large Ukrainian-made Antonov .


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