First effects of the drought emergency in Sardinia, with the Maccheronis dam , in the north east of the island, which closes the taps .

The Consortium of Reclamation of Central Sardinia of Nuoro, as announced in recent days, has adopted the restrictive measures for the agricultural territories served by the consortium network of Torpè, Posada, Siniscola, Budoni and San Teodoro: the reservoir is missing about the 80% of the water resource and what is still present will be used exclusively to guarantee drinking water.

"An inevitable provision - explains the president of the Consortium, Ambrogio Guiso -. The persistent drought period and the scarce water supplies of the Posada and Cedrino rivers do not allow for different solutions. To ensure compliance with the provision adopted, the consortium staff will, as early as the next few hours , to the gradual closure of all sections of the irrigation network, with the exception of those that feed the water purifiers serving the inhabited centers fed by the Maccheronis reservoir ".

For the numerous farms in the area , the possibility of accessing the water resource through private tankers was however arranged .

Availability in correspondence with the consortium hydrants located, for the Municipality of Torpè , in the locality of Bellone at the Municipal Potabilizer, in the Nuraghe San Pietro locality, in the Maccheronis locality in the Abbanoa Consortium Potabilizer Yard. In the territory of Posada it will be possible to withdraw water in the Montigradas locality, from the Posada Municipal water purifier, in the San Simone locality in the Consorzio di Bonifica lifting systems. For Siniscola in the Overì locality in the lifting plant of the Reclamation Consortium; in the locality of Santa Lucia at the crossroads of the state road 125; in Capo Comino on the state road 125 at kilometer 245 + 800; in Lupareddu locality.

In Budoni the water can be withdrawn in Muriscuvoe and in Lu Linnalvu, while in San Teodoro in Franculacciu and La Runcina in the consortium compensation tank and in Nuragheddu.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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