Gabriella Dessì is 71 years old and a DJ. It is she who chooses the music to offer every evening to the patrons of the pub she runs with her children in Decimomannu . His is a fairly recent passion.

He started in 2015 to remember his brother who died in 1993 . His name was Bruno, he was 34 years old, he was passionate about music and football (the village stadium is named after him and Mauro Locci). He was also a DJ and performed often . When he died all the equipment was locked in a room for years.

In 2015 Gabriella Dessì decided to bring turntables, mixers and wines into the pub and since then she has selected the songs every evening. «I have always listened to music but I didn't know how a mixer worked – says Gabriella Dessì – my brother loved funk. He was very good at the console. I still have some cassettes with his mixes. I listen to different musical genres and try to keep up to date with new recordings."

All the details of Gabriella Dessì's story in Francesco Pintore's article tomorrow on L'Unione Sarda on newsstands and in the digital edition of the newspaper

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